Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

I Miss My High School :')

i miss my high school . i miss them . i miss so badly all about high school . when our learn while playing . make a teacher annoyed , angry etc . i miss it :( .

when the lesson is empty . our so happy . we have fun .
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
biasanya dulu kalo guru gak ada dikelas main kuda tomprok , nyanyi-nyanyi , ngisengin orang , main kartu remi trus tiba tiba Bu Nana (wali kelas) masuk trus ngambil kartunya. tp gak kehabisan akal buat nyimpen sisa kartu yg masih ditangan hahahahhaha
dan gak ketinggalan pulang sekolah nongski dulu . aaaa so miss it :(
so sad to separate with you .

me and my besties in front of the class when national exams :')

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